Initiatives Overview

The Texas Collaborative for Healthy Mothers and Babies (TCHMB) is a multidisciplinary network made up of health professionals throughout the state. Its mission is to advance health care quality and patient safety for all Texas mothers and babies, primarily through the collaboration of health and community stakeholders in the development of joint quality improvement (QI) initiatives. Currently the collaborative is developing four major quality improvement interventions.

This project aims to provide the necessary education, improve communication for women of reproductive age, and link them up to their desired services including contraception of choice, preconception care, well-woman services and other resources in the community. The project is using the One Key Question® (OKQ) protocol designed by the Oregon Foundation for Reproductive Health (OFRH) as part of the project framework. Learn more

The purpose of this learning collaborative is to increase the number of very low birth weight infants who will receive human milk, preferably their mother’s milk, as their primary source of nutrition to assist with their immune and gastrointestinal tract development. More specifically, this project is focused on helping participating hospitals identify and overcome barriers to establishing maternal milk supply and barriers to supporting breastfeeding in the NICU. Learn more

The Maternal Early Warning System (MEWS) initiative seeks to implement a protocol into practice to facilitate timely recognition, diagnosis, and treatment for pregnant women developing critical illness, thus avoiding major morbidity and mortality. Essential components of an early warning system include: 1) maternal early warning criteria that prompts reporting to a clinician; and 2) an effective escalation process that prompts bedside evaluation by a clinician. Learn more

This project seeks to improve access to care during the critical postpartum period. The specific aims are to document the experiences of underserved women when navigating the healthcare system after delivery and through the postpartum period; assess how state level programs are understood, utilized, and integrated by providers and by the local healthcare systems; and develop recommendations to improve women’s experiences with accessing postpartum care. Learn more