The Texas Collaborative for Healthy Mothers and Babies (TCHMB) is accepting applications for the position of Data Subcommittee Co-Chair (2 positions). The co-chairs will also be members of the TCHMB Executive Committee. Applications are due by by February 15, 2019.
New TCHMB Posters
TexasAIM by the Numbers: 206 Hospitals and Counting
Maternal & Infant Health News - July 2018
Recommended: New Peer-Reviewed Articles of Interest
Remembering James A. Cooley
Maternal & Infant Health MMWRs
Advisories and Alerts
Neonatal Subcommittee Update
The goal of the initiative, and its associated learning collaborative, is to increase the number of very low birth weight infants that will receive human milk, preferably their mother’s milk, as their primary source of nutrition to assist with their immune and gastrointestinal tract development. More specifically, this project is focused on helping participating hospitals identify and overcome barriers to establishing maternal milk supply and barriers to supporting breastfeeding in the NICU. Initiative to Improve Infant Nutrition and Care in NICUs
Obstetrics Subcommittee Update
The Obstetrics Subcommittee continued working on its Induction of Labor (IOL) Quality Improvement (QI) project, to reduce failed indicated induction of labor and ultimately reduce the primary cesarean delivery rate in Texas.