May 31st and June 1st 2024 (virtual)
This 2-Day course is designed to provide interactive, in-depth skills and knowledge about Placenta Accreta Spectrum (PAS) to healthcare teams who care for pregnant women and may encounter PAS.
At the end of this course, participants should be able to:
Screen patients for risk factors for PAS
Improve antenatal screening for and recognition of PAS
Counsel patients and families about PAS
Develop and refine referral processes for antenatally detected or suspected PAS
Utilize simulation tools and scenarios to prepare your units for PAS
Know how to care & prepare for PAS when recognized at delivery or in unexpected situations
Practice what to do if and prepare for when PAS is first recognized at delivery, or for the unexpected ‘drop in’ patient
The first day will be dedicated to interactive didactic sessions about what’s new in PAS care, the patient perspective, and multidisciplinary expert panel discussions.
On day two, we will provide three interactive simulation scenarios designed to work on ultrasound skills, surgical skills, team-based management, and emergency response skills.
We invite teams to bring and share simulation scenarios with each
No charge
Physicians, Residents, Advance Practice Providers, Registered Nurses, Sonographers, Students and Trainees
For more information, visit Texas Children’s website.