May is Preeclampsia Awareness Month, an annual event that promotes improved healthcare practices as they relate to preeclampsia. Patients are encouraged to share their experiences, and researchers, clinicians, and legislators are encouraged to prioritize preeclampsia research. The Preeclampsia Foundation, which leads a month-long campaign about the hypertensive disorder every May, named the 2024 theme ‘Predict Prevent Prevail.’
Texas Collaborative for Healthy Mothers and Babies (TCHMB) — the state’s perinatal quality collaborative that comprises healthcare providers, scientists, hospitals, state agencies, advocates, and insurers — developed Understanding Preeclampsia: A Guide for Preeclampsia Awareness Month to support improved care and outcomes for preeclampsia patients in Texas.
Defining Preeclampsia
Preeclampsia is a life-threatening condition that affects 5-8% of pregnant patients, characterized by elevated blood pressure (BP) and, at times, elevated protein in the urine (proteinuria). It may be accompanied by other symptoms, including chest pain, abdominal pain, liver problems, headaches, and changes in vision.
Alone, each of these symptoms does not indicate preeclampsia, but it’s important for pregnant patients to report these symptoms and any existing conditions to their healthcare provider. Some conditions put pregnant patients at a higher risk of developing preeclampsia:
A woman who has never delivered a baby
Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes
History of hypertension
35 years or older
Teenager (under 20)
Chronic medical conditions, including kidney disease or Lupus
Preeclampsia/hypertension in a previous pregnancy
Twin pregnancy
Diagnosing Preeclampsia
Providers will diagnose preeclampsia when a patient meets the following conditions:
Been pregnant for at least 20 weeks
Reported systolic BP of 140 or higher -or- diastolic BP of 90 or greater
On at least 2 occasions that are at least 4 hours apart
A diagnosis of preeclampsia can be given with or without the presence of proteinuria.
Treating Preeclampsia
The course of action following a preeclampsia diagnosis depends on the stage of pregnancy. In most cases, a patient confirmed to have BP greater than 140/90 will be sent for an initial evaluation at a hospital, where providers will monitor BP, collect laboratory tests including a urine test for proteinuria, and assess for symptoms of preeclampsia.
Treatment for Preeclampsia Based on Stage of Pregnancy
To prevent preeclampsia in patients at risk, doctors will prescribe a low-dose aspirin at around 16 weeks of gestation.
Developing Recognition and Response to Postpartum Preeclampsia in the Emergency Department (PPED), a TCHMB Quality Improvement (QI) Project
11% of pregnancy-related deaths are related to preeclampsia/eclampsia, with 50% of those deaths occurring in the first six weeks (42 days) after delivery, according to the Texas Maternal Mortality and Morbidity Review Committee and Department of State Health Services Joint Biennial Report 2022. Consequently, it is important for the public to recognize preeclampsia symptoms, which can occur not only during pregnancy but also during the postpartum period.
Based on this data — and because so many patients who experience preeclampsia symptoms visit the emergency room — TCHMB developed the PPED QI project. This initiative aims to reduce maternal morbidity and mortality related to severe hypertension in postpartum patients by increasing the collaboration between obstetric and emergency departments with:
Enhanced screening for postpartum status
Education on diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up care in the emergency department
Latest Research and Future Directions
Research into preeclampsia has recently focused on understanding its underlying causes, with particular attention to the placenta’s role. While the exact cause remains elusive, ongoing studies are investigating inflammatory components and antibodies that may contribute to the condition. Experts predict that within the next decade, advancements in this area will provide valuable insights into prediction and prevention strategies.
Clinical Review
Special thanks to the following healthcare professionals for contributing their expertise to this article:
James Hill, MD, the Obstetrics Committee Co-Chair for TCHMB and the Division Chief for the Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine/The Children’s Hospital of San Antonio. Previously, he was a Field Artillery officer and retired Colonel in the United States Army and a mathematics professor at West Point.
Susan Dimitrijevic, BSN, RNC-NIC, the Senior Nurse Program Manager for TCHMB. For the past 25 years, she has focused her nursing career on Neonatal Intensive Care, caring for critically ill infants and their families. Before joining TCHMB, she was the Neonatal Program Manager and Clinical Nurse Manager of the Level NICU Transport team at Dell Children’s Medical Center.
Written by Kirsten Handler, Communication Specialist at UTHealth Houston School of Public Health in Austin.